Montcalm Community College’s Sidney and Greenville campuses will remain open today, Wednesday, Feb. 12. Students should check their Canvas and student email for any updates from their instructors.

Transfer Information


The highest degree offered by MCC is the associate degree. However, any degree completed at MCC can serve as the starting point for a bachelor’s degree, although transfer credits may differ based on program, type of classes and transfer school and major.


For students pursuing occupational degrees, the curriculum is divided between general education requirements, which offer some degree of flexibility, and the program requirements, listing the classes required to obtain that specific associate degree. While these programs are designed to prepare students primarily to enter the workforce, several articulation agreements allow students to pursue higher degrees, either in a traditional 2+2 or in a 3+1 format. Students will thus pursue two or three years at MCC before the transfer.

Transfer Out of MCC

Are you ready to transfer from MCC to another learning institution to continue your education? Click the link above to request your transcripts, view transferring institutions and articulation agreements and more. 

TRansfer Into MCC

Transferring credits to MCC is easy! Click the link above to learn more about the various learning experiences we accept as credit, transfer course expiration, reverse transfer, testing, and more. 

Other Options for Transfer:


Michigan Transfer Agreement

The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) allows students to complete general education requirements at one college or university, then transfer those courses to meet general education requirements at another college or university, without any special exceptions.


To fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement, students must successfully complete at least 30 credits, with at least a 2.0 in each course and at least one credit completed at the institution awarding the MTA. These credits should be met according to the following distribution:


  • One course in English Composition
  • A second course in English Composition or one course in Communications
  • One course in Mathematics from one of three pathways: Pathway to Calculus (includes College Algebra), Statistics or Quantitative Reasoning
  • Two courses in Social Sciences (from two disciplines)
  • Two courses in Humanities and Fine Arts (from two disciplines, excluding studio and performance classes)
  • Two courses in Natural Sciences including one with laboratory experience (from two disciplines)

Please see the Liberal Studies Certificate for specific course options. Upon fulfilling the MTA requirements, students must submit the MTA Application (PDF).


Michigan Transfer Network

Do you want to easily search how your credits transfer to colleges and universities? Click the link above.

Tore Skogseth, Student Success Counselor
Brandy Bunting, Counselor
Lisa Gardner, Advisor